
Based on a topic-driven order of the accepted submissions the following program has emerged:

Introduction Session | 10.00 am - 11.00 am

The workshop starts at 10.00 am with coffee and a short get-to-know session, where participants and organizers introduce themselves.

Presentation Session | 11.00 am - 05.00 pm

For each presentation of submissions we suggest 10 minutes of talk time and 5 minutes for immediate questions. After each presentation block, there will be time for a longer discussion of the whole block. We also ask all contributors to prepare three questions or discussion points for the audience.

First block: (Mobile) Makerspaces | 11.00 am - 12.00 pm

Extended break & Makerspace | 12.00 pm - 01.30 pm

Lunch and enough time for engagement, discussion and maybe even Making at the C&T Makerspace. There will be 3D printers, tools, VR-/AR and quick drop-in-workshops.

Second block: 3D Printing and Education | 01.30 pm - 02.15 pm

Third block: Digital fabrication and the common good | 02.15 pm - 03:00 pm

Coffee Break | 03.00 pm - 03.30 pm

Panel: Makernet and Global Innovation Gathering (tbd) | 03.30 pm - 04.00 pm

Fourth block: (Global) Social Innovation and the Common Good | 04.00 - 04.45

Closing Session | 04.45 - 05.15 pm

Discussion on continuation and publication. Afterwards, goodbyes and / or go have food and drinks together.