
Oliver Stickel

University of Siegen | Website | Mail

Oliver is founder and coordinator of the university’s Fab Lab, researcher, general project instigator and lecturer in HCI- and Maker-methods. He has published on digital fabrication, field studies involving 3D printing in Palestine, regional innovation communities and agile methods.

Konstantin Aal

University of Siegen | Website | Mail

Konstantin is probably the most well-travelled operational field-researcher in our research groups, coordinator for the long-term research/integrative project come_IN (intercultural computer clubs). He has published on computer clubs, education migration, gender aspects, change, activism and the ageing society based on a socio-technical perspective.

Sarah Rueller

University of Siegen | Mail

Sarah is a long-term student research assistant, coordinates a come_IN computer club, has done field research (e.g. West Bank and Morocco) and is co-coordinator for project YALLAH. She has published on computer clubs, participation in developmental contexts and ICT use by migrants.

Verena Fuchsberger

University of Salzburg | Website | Mail

Verena is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Salzburg. She focuses on the agency of human and non-human actors in HCI and interaction design – particularly, she is interested in the materiality of interactions. Verena has published on Interaction Design, the future of work, the ageing society, Materiality in HCI and Interaction Design and more. She also coorganizes scientific and community events centered on fabricationand innovation, whereby she is specifically interested in the intersections of industrial production and hobbyist making.

Victoria Wenzelmann

Global Innovation Gathering | Website

Victoria is co-founder of the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) , a vibrant, diverse community of innovation hubs, maker spaces, hacker spaces and other grassroots innovation initiatives as well as individual innovators, makers, technologists and change-makers. She is also a trained anthropologist, agile consultant and member of AfricaHackTrip. Vicy will soon be coordinator for the Learningspaces4Refugees project at the University of Siegen (as well as preparing her Labmobil for the next Africa trip).

Volkmar Pipek

University of Siegen | Website | Mail

Volkmar Pipek is Professor for Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Media with the Institute for Information Systems at the University of Siegen, German and chair to the board of trustees of the International Institute for Socio-Informatics (IISI). His research interest into interdisciplinary, more application-oriented computer science lead him through different research groups in HCI and CSCW in Europe such as in Bonn where he worked on awareness issues and organizational aspects of groupware applications and in Oulu. 1999 he worked in several smaller projects on Knowledge Management and Distance Learning. From April 2000 to March 2003 he was coordinating the project OlViO, a project on the use of IT in Organisational Learning. From 2003-2005 he was a guest researcher with the Laboratory of HCI and Group Technology at the University of Oulu, Finland, where he also received his a PhD in 2005.

Volker Wulf

University of Siegen | Website | Mail

Volker Wulf holds the Chair of Information Systems and New Media at the University of Siegen where he is also dean of Faculty III (School of Economic Disciplines). He is also the Managing Director of the School of Media and Information (iSchool) at the University of Siegen. In addition, he heads the business field of User-oriented Software Engineering (USE) at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FhG-FIT) in Sankt Augustin. His research interests lie primarily in the area of IT system design in real-world contexts. This includes the development of innovative applications from the areas of cooperation systems, knowledge management and community support. One special focus lies on flexible software architecture which can be adapted by end-users. Further research focuses on methods of user-oriented software development and introduction processes.

Manfred Tscheligi

University of Salzburg | Website| Mail

Manfred is professor for Human-Computer Interaction at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg and Head of the Business Unit Technology Experience at the Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT), Vienna. He has been initiating and managing a broad variety of national and international research and industrial projects. Being a member of various expert, advisory, and conference committees (e.g., CHI conference series, Mobile HCI conference series, Human-Robot Interaction conference series), his work is characterized by interdisciplinary approaches to enrich the interaction between humans and systems.